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Rowan Raskin, Oil Painter & Glass Artist

My name is Rowan Raskin and I am a full time Oil painter and Glass Artist. One of the hardest parts of being an artist is the amount of time you spend with your own thoughts and doubts. As the saying goes, “I am always my own worst critic”. Working with David has been essential for me for not only the growth of my business but also for my mental health and wellbeing. David has provided me with a plethora of techniques to fight back against my own self doubt and has helped me to create systems so that when I do find myself in darker headspaces, it is nowhere near as hard to pull myself out of as it used to be. Working with David has helped me to reclaim agency over my future in such a positive way –it’s not just about being successful and making money, it’s about taking smaller steps to work to create the vision I have for my own future and life.